Do not miss us at the Oracle Cloud Day!

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How far are you with your journey to the Cloud? If you don’t watch out, agile organisations with innovative technology and a disruptive mentality will pass you by!

It is time for the next step in the digital transformation; How do you make optimal use of your Oracle infrastructure in the journey to the cloud, in order to facilitate agility and leverage Simtech’s services to get even more out of it?

Come to the Oracle Cloud Day on March 12! Throughout the day, we will be available to share how we can help create, manage and support your organisation’s journey to the cloud.

And even more important: We have some exciting news we would like to share with you that day! Over the past few months, Simtech has been working on a new DBaaS platform that will accelerate your journey into the cloud. A unique combination of Infrastructure as a Service, API based architecture, automatic Database Provisioning and License Compliance Management.

Honestly, you do not want to miss this!

Together with industry leaders and likeminded people we will look for answers on how to;

  • Assess how digital your organisation is at this moment;
  • Find ways to transform your organisation, so that you can keep up with the demands of today’s and tomorrow’s world;
  • Create strategies using the latest technologies;
  • And of course tell you all about our new concept and how it will most certainly accelerate your journey.

Throughout the day there will be key note speakers like Wilfred Scholman, Oracle Country Leader, Dr. Andrew Sutherland SVP, Business Development, Systems and Technology Oracle Europe, Middle East & Africa and the Nuon Solar Challenge Team, as well as client stories and inspirational sessions. Simtech will also present how the new Private DBaaS Cloud will accelerate your cloud ambitions.

The Oracle Cloud Day is on March 12 in the NBC Congress center in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands.

Reserve your spot for the Oracle Cloud day today and make sure you are prepared for the challenges of tomorrow. Your Future runs on Cloud!

See you on March 12!

Kind Regards,

Team Simtech

Simtech is a proud Gold sponsor of the Open Cloud Day 2019. Join us at the Experience Plaza!

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